CPTR 212 Web Programming - 3 Credits

Instructor:John Beckett, DBA
Office:HSC 1117B Schedule
jbeckett /at/ southern /dot/ edu
(o) 423'236'2998 (c) 423'838'1506
      Prerequisites (both are required):
      1. CPTR 124 - You need to know how to program. Variable types, logic constructs, and arrays are assumed.
      2. CPTE 110 or JOUR 242 or permission of instructor - You need to have a basic knowledge of HTML, particularly tables. See my CPTE 110 Web site comprehending.org for more information. If you learned Web development on your own or at another college: go to comprehending.org, download the textbook, and do the assignment for lessons 5 and 9 just to make sure. The instructor will give you access to our server if you need it for this.
    2. Course Content:Programming for the World Wide Web. Web architecture, languages, scripting tools, HTML editors, Web design packages and authoring tools.

    3. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS (all are needed):
      1. W3C w3Schools.com tutorials
      2. A USB drive, preferably dedicated to this class, for use during in-class activities such as quizzes and tests.
      3. Ability to print documentation from the Web as needed (at least 100 pages). Alternative: a viewer device such as a second screen, or a large tablet.


      1. Programming editor. My favorite (for Windows) is Notepad++, a language-aware replacement for Notepad. If you're thinking of using Microsoft Word as your editor, you may have signed up for the wrong class.
      2. Optional: XAMP or LAMP, so you can use your computer as a stand-alone development system. Bear in mind that it is possible to develop things that work under XAMP or LAMP that don't work on our server, so you must test your assignments on hw.cs.southern.edu before considering them "done."

      Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to implement standards-compliant websites that generate pages from configuration files and/or databases, process forms, and update files and/or databases. You will also be able to design websites that have a high degree of usability and accomodate disabilities.

    1. Attendance at class periods is expected. Quizzes are usually given at the beginning of class. Excuses for missed classes requires proper documentation. If you leave in the middle of a class, your quiz may be discarded.
    2. Relative values of assignments, projects and exams:
      Homework 40% - turn in using the homework server at http://hw.cs.southern.edu or by loading on your nCloud server, as appropriate.
      Quizzes 15%
      Exams 1 and 2 15% each
      Final Exam 15%
  3. Grading Scale:
    100-94% = A  
    93-90% = A-
    89-87% - B+  
    86-84% = B  
    83-80% = B-
    79-77% = C+  
    76-74% = C  
    73-70% = C-
    69-67% = D+  
    66-64% = D  
    63-60% = D-
    Below 60% = F
  4. Additional Information
    1. Disability Statement

      In keeping with university policy, any student with a disability who needs academic accommodations should call Disability Support Services at 423-236-2574 or visit Lynn Wood Hall, room 137, to arrange a confidential appointment with the Disability Services Coordinator (DSC) before or during the first week of classes. (Students who request accommodations after the third week of the semester might not complete the process in time to receive accommodations for that semester.) Legally, no retroactive accommodations can be provided. For more details, visit the Disability Support Services website at www.southern.edu/disability support.

      Accommodations for disabilities are available only as recommended by Disability Support Services. Students whose accommodations are approved will be provided confidential letters which students should review and discuss with their professors in relation to particular course requirements.

    2. Always identify yourself by your first and last names, clearly printed, on every email and every deliverable turned in. We often have duplicate first names, and we often have duplicate last names. But do not include your ID number in emails to the instructor unless you know that someone else has the same first and last names as you do (something that has happened only once in my career as an instructor.)
    3. If asked to submit a group of files in a .zip archive, submit them in a .zip archive rather than some other format. Failure to comply may result in point loss.
    4. It is always your responsibility as a student to be as pro-active as possible regarding scheduled absences. Plan ahead and contact your instructor for arrangements.
    5. Late work is not recommended, as the material covered in class is often cumulative. If accepted, assignments turned in late may be penalized up to 50% for lateness, in addition to any deductions for lack of completeness. No homework or projects will be accepted after the beginning of the scheduled final exam period. If assignments in this class are turned in by placing them on the homework server, it is your responsibility to notify the professor when you upload late work.
    6. Near the end of the semester, you will need to evaluate this course. Southern Adventist University requires all students enrolled in courses, on campus or online, which enroll more than 5 students, to complete course evaluations as part of the ongoing process of improving course delivery and academic standards. You may access this evaluation at https://access.southern.edu. Log in using your SAU e-mail name and password, and then select course evaluation. All comments and evaluations are completely anonymous and the results of these course evaluations are made available to professors only after grades are submitted to the records office. (The preceding is recommended by academic administration, and I encourage you to participate in that process. For even greater effectiveness, I suggest that you contact me directly outside of class by email or face-to-face. You have my pledge that such communications will be held in confidence, will not negatively impact your grade, and that as far as I am able they will positively affect your experience in the class.)
    7. Academic Honesty Policy: Morally and spiritually, Southern Adventist University is dedicated to scholastic integrity. Consequently, both students and faculty are required to maintain high, ethical Christian levels of honesty. Faculty Responsibilities:
      1. Professors must explain clearly the requirements for assignments, examinations, and projects, such as “open book,” “take home,” or “peer collaboration.”
      2. Professors may assume “no collaboration” is the rule unless they state otherwise.
      Student Responsibilities:
      1. Students assume responsibility to avoid plagiarism by learning the proper procedures for acknowledging borrowed wording, information, or ideas. Otherwise students might innocently misrepresent others' material as their own.
      2. Students unfamiliar with procedures for citing sources should confer with their professors. The McKee Library staff and the Writing Center are also useful resources.
      3. Students are to assume that all course work is “no collaboration” unless stated.
    8. Reports of your scores are provided through Moodle. Do not expect these reports to accurately predict your final grade before the class is complete, since your future performance is unknown. This service is most useful to determine what items have been graded and how you scored on them.
    9. As a Computing student, it is assumed that you check your SAU email at least daily.
    10. When sending an email asking for help or accomodation, it is best to use your SAU email account. In addition, always provide your recipient with context information so they have the most time to address your need. This includes:
      1. Your first and last name.
      2. The class identification.
      3. The specific assignment.
    11. If an item of homework is late, you must submit it before asking the instruction for accomodation.
    12. This document should be viewed as preliminary and may be revised as necessary by the professor.
    13. Laboratory facilities provided in the School of Computing may not be used to circumvent policies, especially bandwidth and content restrictions, imposed by Information Services on students. It is important to note that peer sharing systems such as Bit Torrent are prohibited anywhere on campus. If you have a large file you'd like to download, feel free to request it by emailing a URL to the professor. To date, no such request has been refused.
    14. Personal electronic devices: Laptop/notebook computers may be used in class, except that the professor reserves the right to require them to be shut down at any time. Cell phones and headphones may not be used in class. Your computer's loudspeaker must always be turned off during class.
    15. Supplies: For in-person classes, always bring pen/pencil and paper in case you must take notes or do a quiz, or the instructor requires electronic devices to be shut down.
    16. "My computer is down" is never an acceptable excuse for not meeting deadlines. SAU provides multiple computer labs, and use of your personal equipment is your choice. You are responsible for organizing your homework and projects as needed to allow you to continue working in labs if your personal computer breaks. It should go without saying that you must always bring your laptop power supply if there is the slightest chance your battery will not provide power for the entire class period.
    17. For classes using the homework server:
      1. Clearly identify any area in your Homework Server account that is not intended to be graded by an appropriate directory name such as "workarea."
      2. The homework server is normally backed up six days each week (Sunday..Friday) at 4 a.m. If you have a data disaster and recovery might be helped by retrieving your work as of a given backup, email a request giving the backup date for which you would like your materials retrieved. This service is an experiment, offered totally at the instructor's discretion.
    1. The way we learn in this class is by doing things. Study the text ahead of time, trying out the examples shown. During and after class, Try out examples you are shown. Keep up on the homework. Procrastination doesn't work in this class.
    2. The SAU School of Computing provides lab computers adequate to the needs of this class. You may use your own computer if you wish, but problems with it do not excuse you from homework deadlines or specifications.
    3. All homework and some quizzes and tests are to be submitted by uploading using FTP to your account on the homework server. The directories in your account must clearly identify your projects.  Don't clutter your account on this server: Time required for the instructor to find your project may be subtracted from your grade.
    4. Adequate backup is your responsibility. Keeping a copy of all your work on a separate USB drive is highly recommended. "My computer is hosed/stolen/whatever" or "I had problems with the lab data directory" is not an excuse for losing your work or being late. As a budding computer professional, the instructor expects you to use reasonable backup procedures. When working with computers, near-paranoia is a healthy response to reality.
    5. The class website at http://www.cs.southern.edu/jbeckett/cpte212f20 is critical to your success in this class. Check in with it often, especially at the beginning of each study session.
    6. It is a good thing for students to work together by cross-checking each others' work. Copying or mutual development of projects, however, is not permitted. The way you show that you aren't copying is by understanding your code fully. Remember, a major purpose for doing homework is to prepare yourself for exams.
    7. This document is preliminary. It will be adjusted as necessary by the instructor.
  6. Homework assignments are due at midnight on the date shown on the assignment schedule. This class has a significant amount of homework and marches on quickly, so it is a very bad idea to get behind on your homework!